Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My New Home

March1, 2008
Its been two-three weeks in my new home away from home and so far I like it. It was very difficult at first to live here on my own by myself with no one to talk to, but its much better now that I have met people here and have entered the community. My friend got me a cat because it was very difficult trying to sleep with all the mouse running around in my house. lol. not very settling. The first night I heard so much noise in my house as well as outside also. I was terrified, when i woke up I found a dead rat in a bucket of water. I was a little scared when I found it but afterward I laughed. And I think I'll laugh some more when my kitten gets bigger and I find dead rats in my house. LOL.

Anyway so what have I been doing? A lot! I've met so many people and have been continuously studying and practicing my French and as well trying to learn Pular, which is a constant struggle but everyone really likes teaching me and also like laughing at me as i struggle with the difficult sounds my mouth can not make. It’s more funny than anything. I work at the health center where I observe and assist with weighing children and helping prepare such health necessities. I am also going to be doing sensibilizations in the community about HIV/AIDS, nutrition, ISTs, Family Planning and possibly female genital mutilation because that very important but difficult to talk about.

I am really starting to like my community more and more each day. When I first arrived I really didn’t like it but now I'm starting to adjust and see the positive side of this amazing place. I think the hardest thing to adjust to was being alone and living solo and not having any other Americans around. There wasn’t anyone I could talk to with easily but it’s gotten much better. And I find it easier to talk with the people here now. Also I tried to find people my age for friendship and I was wondering why I never saw women my age and the answer to my question was that is no lycee in my village so anyone my age would be either married already or en ville at the university. So most of my acquaintances are teenaged or much older which isn’t bad. I have found women my age to talk to but they live a bit far. Lol. And I have this one neighbor who at first I thought was very nice but is getting a little annoying. He asks me to go to the soccer field and watch soccer and then to the boutique late at night. And this is every day. I really honestly don’t mind these things but I can’t do these things everyday and every time I say no, that’s never enough. I say I’m tired I worked all day and then he asks what I did that day. And he’s like 15 years old asking a million and one questions and I’ve got to the point where I don’t bother with answering the questions and just say no I’m going to bed or just change the subject to something else. The little kids are the dearest here but I cannot talk with them because they haven't learned French yet and I don't know the local language yet. Its everyday that I get a group of petits that come and just sit, stand or play on my porch and just stare at me and say hi. Thats all I can understand. They stay for a while and then look for my cat and then eventually leave. Its cute but sometimes I’d like to just not have an audience as I try to cook or whatever I'm doing.

I have no electricity at my site and I’m absolutely terrified of the dark but I do have a lantern and candles and a flashlight.

I’ve been doing a lot of things on my own and It’s been difficult but also interesting. One thing, that I hate but kinda enjoy is going to the water pump. I like going because it gets me out of the house and it gives everyone a good laugh as I struggle to bring a 5gallon water jug back to my house. I have had offers to help but I just wanted to make sure I could do this rather depend on someone else to do it for me the whole two years. Also I recently did my own laundry. Note to self: Do not wait two weeks to do your laundry. I learned that the hard way I had to make so many trips to the pump to keep getting water and I was busy for about 2 hours and didn’t finish it all. I needed a break. I’ve also been cooking for myself mostly which is pretty interesting, mainly grains ad veggies and eggs, Simple things that I know I can’t screw up. I haven’t had a lot of meat because I don’t want to kill the meat and depluck it and I’m not ready to watch anyone do it either.

I also never realized how many freaking chores I’d have to constantly do everyday such as cooking, cleaning, getting water, laundry, as well as my work at the health center and working with the languages. And I’d like to get everything down before the sun goes down which also makes things a little more difficult cause I hate waking up so early but also can’t really sleep in. I’m generally tired around 8pm.
So about the boutique? There’s boutique in my ville where the young people go to watch television because the commercant has a generate and he has a television and dvd player and he charges phones which is pretty nice in a town with NO ELECRTICITY. LOL. And every once in a while I go there and watch movies in French and sometimes music videos but it’s the same old music videos from like last year. Like Akon, the Monica song, the beautiful lair and a couple others. Not a lot.

So how’s Africa? Why does everyone ask this question? I can’t possibly describe everything and it’s all been enjoyable here. It has it’s ups and downs, I’m healthy (for the most part), I have no electricity, I have an outdoor latrine, and I’m speaking two unfamiliar languages everyday. I could eat with one of my many neighbors, they do constantly ask me to come and eat but I refuse to eat rice and sauce everyday. And if you know me, you know I’m very picky and I’d hate to go there and see what they are eating and then turn around and say I’m full or I’m not hungry anymore. How awkward would that be?

So my name in my village is Kadiatou Sow and everyone knows it because I’m the only American in my village. And I’m so bad at remembering everyone’s name. And when I’m not at the health center I read, I write, I bike, I cook, I clean or visit people in my village. I think I really lucked out with my site placement because there are many things my village does not have but I live very close to a big city, about 15km away. And most things I can find there if I don’t have them in my village. There are even internet cafes which is pretty sweet.

My domestic roommate is a tiny kitten named Moush, my neighbor named her. I asked her why Moush and she said because it’s pretty. I was gonna name her Sophie but I think I’ll stick with Moush. But I really like having a kitten, I’m still not sure if I wanna keep here indoors or not.

Do I miss home? Yeah I do miss home. I miss seeing and talking with family and friends and I also miss warm showers, electricity, Walmart, Chinese food, take out and delivery, fast food, reliable transportation, a cell phone that actually works, chocolate that hasn’t gone bad, skittles, not having to bleach my water, knowing where things are, being able to crap in the comfort of my own home without worrying if there is a lizard watching, washing machines, running water, a blender would be nice, uh I think I’ll stop there. There are also many things I love about being here I’m learning so much as far as French and Pular and the culture here in Guinea as well as how to cook, how to take care of myself, and so much everyday. I’m also helping people learn English who want to learn and giving a lot to a community that has so little.

P.S. I love packages and I had pictures to post but of course forgot the cord, but Ill post some from PST in Forecariah. Miss you love you!

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