Oh how amazing. The other day someone sent me a note saying Happy Six Months!!! Has it really been that long since we swore-in as Volunteers. This time next year I’m going to be applying for graduate school or looking for a job or maybe both. Perhaps both. But who knows right now. So whats been up man? So I’m taking another trip to Conakry for a week and then after headed to Mamou for a few days for the Girl’s Conference which I am really looking forward to. I hope things work out as planned. I know they won’t but as close as possible. The other day I baked some oh so yummy oatmeal cookies. Yes this is a highlight because I have no stove, so the fact that I prepared something baked is an accomplishment all in itself. (and yes I am patting myself on the back.) Something fun, so it’s rainy season and yes there’s lots of rain and lots of things growing and forming and things are blooming and blossoming and such and it’s oh so pretty. And also the mangoes with their AMAZING VITAMIN A. Rainy days are nice and I’m starting to make them a little more productive. Many people, or well most people that I have seen in my village spend the time sleeping when it’s rainy. One rainy afternoon I spent at my host family’s house practicing Pular with my brother. I then tried to explain to him about how difficult it is to find work and that no I’m not rich like 50 cent. Surprisingly enough he knew who 50 cent is. These are my favorite past about being here cultural interactions. I learned how to tell someone they are ugly and stupid, which aren’t really necessary but fun words to know and of course I learned their opposites if I’m feeling really nice. But its really slow coming and I don’t have structured learning so it’s kinda just all over the place as far as what I know how to say and what I understand. So yesterday I got a package from my mom which was very sweet and she had sent me my Nintendo DS, which I wish I had brought with me in the first place its been a lot of fun playing Brain Age and Pokemon. Pokemon, I asked someone about this amazing creation while I was in the middle of doing a battle. (ok, no need to make fun of the fact I was playing pokemon.) but anyway as I was saying I was trying to explain the concept to one of my friends but I really don’t even know if I can explain to myself. I remember when my brother tried to explain it years ago, I had no freaking clue what the hell he was talking about and from what he told me about it, I was way off from what I thought it was. The only thing I could say was that it was Japanese. But really what on earth is a Pokemon? Can someone answer this question for me? Another funny comment I get which I get often is being a Black American. Every once in a while I meet someone in my village and they insist that I’m white. Funny thing. Last time I looked in the mirror I was more brownish than anything close to white. So normally I laugh, get a little upset and then give them a short lesson on colors and try to help them. My neighbor, Abdoulaye thinks he’s so smart and he thought he was even smarter when he noted that I was white because I’m not African. Yeah, I took out a piece of paper and showed him the color white and held it up to my skin. I took out something black and held it up myself and him as well. I said nope not black but neither are you. We’re both more of a brownish color. And then he laughed and said no he’s neither he’s chocolate. LMAO. Ok ok whatever you wanna call it nowadays. Bur I just thought this was really cute. Well my village family has been so helpful at making me feel at home in Tountouroun and I do when I’m at their home and usually when I’m at my place I feel comfortable definitely more so than when I first moved in. Oh man was I terrified. I spend more time with them then other families because they never ask me for anything, I do give them gifts when I leave but since I first met them they have been very welcoming and very sweet especially the mom. The other day she told me she loved me and it was kinda weird at first cause I had no idea what to say to it. And she was kinda yelling it at me and asked me if I understood what that meant. It’s funny I don’t think I really do quite yet. But that’s another topic another day.
So I have some pictures I finally got a chance to take some pictures. most of these right now are with me and the family i stay with in my village. i have more photos but of course not with me. But Im sure your aware of how slow computers are here. If you aren't already now you know. K.
This is one of my neighbors. she sells gateau. Sometimes she can be a nuisance but sometimes she is also very helpful.
Ok so I'm not such a horrible person I'm showing some pictures right. Sorry thats all i have now but I'll have more later. Things are going well here and I'm going to senegal for a couple days so I'm looking forward to that. Im making plans to visit Mali in september for vacation. Let's see how that goes. And as for work well school's out so I'm trying to do several small projects. Plant some trees and enjoy the rainy season by pigging out on some mangoes. LOL. Take care.
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