There you have it. I can't believe April has come and gone so quickly and here I am back in Conakry. well this month I spent out anywhere and everywhere. I went on a pretty nifty 'tournoi' and visited nine different districts within my community on my bike. It was awesome, I got to meet a lot of people, got to learn a heck of a lot and also went to go talk about Malaria with elementary school students. I dont have direct photos from my tournoi, i wish I did, however while I was hanging out I have some candid moments of my village to share.

Here are my neighbors coming back from the water pump.

check out that Leesville Loonies shirt.

My cat. "Poo-tay," it means sweet potatoe in Pular cause it's my favorite thing to eat here and she seems to like it too.

My namesake at the waterpump.

This little girl is so cute when she's not annoying. LOL.

Another neighbor at the water pump.

Another neighbor who is absolutely adoreable.

Another neighbor who loves when I take pictures.

That slab of meat is a porcupine. And it's riding on top of our taxi to Conakry.

This right here is the porcupine's head. Isn't he just the sweetest thing you've ever seen?
So things have been going well, bout to head out to Sierra Leone for a week to relax and lay on the beach and well I need a break. I'm excited and preparing to go home in July. Thanks mom. And well as soon as I get back I guess I'll have more pictures to put up.
As far as work goes I've got my hands full my last visit to all the schools went so well that I'm scheduled to do the same thing twice before school ends, so we will see how that goes. I'm excited to do it and also looking forward to visisting even more schools that are out in the middle of nowhere. Gotta love it. Miss home, i plan on eating some awesome food when I get back and relaxing.
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