Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yay pictures!

So basically its been like forever, the internet does not work in Labe, Here are some recent pictures of the year that i had on my camera. Things are going well in the village and I'm really learning a lot about my level of patience. I really thought I had more patience. Anyway I miss home lots, and no there are no mangoes yet. Work is so-so, I've realized that I can't really help anyone that is not willing nor interested. I have not stopped trying but just have a better attitude if others choose to disregard my opinions.

I know I look a nerd, but I went to the river with my host sister to do my lanudry and we went kinda rock climbing and there is also a place where there is waterfalls in the rainy season. Below I am attempting to do my laundry at the river. I found a pretty decent sized rock to beat my clothes up against so they are pretty clean.

This little boy is one of my many neighbor kids. he's so cute but he is forever running around with no pants on, like seriously but some pants on. LOL. But he's still so cute.

Here I am at my host brother's center d'informatique. I spend some afternoons here talking with the class in English and answering questions and such.

I just got that complet made the other day and I was very excited because its so cute and comfy and then I wore it to the market later that week.

This is one of the three cats, the last one that I acquired. His name is Ya-ma-coo. It's Pular for hot pepper. I found her at the health center one day and she kinda hopped in my bag and followed me home one day.

My little guys here are oh so adoreable. The white one in the back was the first one I got this year, my neighbor gave her too me. her name is Poo-tay. That's Pular for sweet potatoe because that's my favorite leaf sauce.
The one in front is Ban-terra, that's manioc in Pular and he is pain in the butt but also very sweet.

Here is me and my friend Abdoul, he's a student trying to learn English so I help correct him when when he comes by my family's house.

Up there is my host brother Ila and my host mom sitting drinking an orange. they didn't know I was taking pictures like a detective that day. She is so happy because he is trying to help finish building the house.

My neighbor, well my host family's neighbor, yeah well she's my neighbor, Dioulde and she's a sweetheart and she's already engaged and like 15 years old. I thought this was a cool photos because you can also see the avocadoes hanging from the tree.

That's me and my host brother Ila, I told him i could kick his butt in soccer. I tried and failed. LOL. But it was really fun to play again i haven't played since high school.

That's me trying to be cute pointing out Guinea on the map. In case some people were having trouble finding it it's in West Africa! West!

Yo, there he is again and not wearing pants but i still love him.

This is the water pump and the little girl is another neighbor, and the thing on her head is a peice of fabric so she can put that big bottle of water on her head to carry it back to her house.
These are more kids in my neighborhood. Sometimes they are cute when they aren't annoying but ultimately I love 'em.


Unknown said...

it looks you are working hard getting the laundry done. iknow you cant wait to get home. it will be great to have you home. i look forward to seeing you. Aunt Katie

Unknown said...

you look like your mother.as cute as ever. i am glad you are making the best of africa. we miss you
aunt katie