Sunday, May 4, 2008

May 1st Post

Blog 5/1

What the hell am I doing in Africa?
I cant believe I’m already 3 months into service, it feels like I just moved in yesterday. So let me tell you about April. I spent most of April learning some Pular. I’m still not fluent nor will I ever be but I hope to learn enough to have conversations and do my work. I learned that my counterpart does not speak Pular. Lol. I didn’t that riding my bike isn’t so bad and I’ve done a couple intense bike rides. April I think was the month I learned how to prepare chicken and de-pluck and gut a chicken. I also prepared my first sensibilization, I didn’t get to present it but it was very well prepared. Lol. Oh something not so shocking I have started to try eating food. I know I already do that. But like I’ve started eating foods I’ve claimed to not like such as tomatoes, onions, bananas, guacamole, avocadoes and the list goes on. Its hard to be as picky as I am in Africa, so I’ve started to say what the hell, it could be worse. I could have nothing. Right? Mangeons. Then ergh I’m going to get this, being able to say no. Being American people continually ask me from things and it’s so annoying. Like I have money coming out of my butt. If that was the case you’d like I’d have a nicer house? Or maybe be able to pay someone to do my laundry and crap. No I don’t, cause I’m not made of money. Before I leave Africa I’m gonna learn how to say no and not feel bad about it.

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